Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. warrants the work against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of (3) three years from the contractor’s invoice date for final payment, provided that the owner has paid the contractor in full for all work performed under the agreement and subject to the following. The warranty does not apply if the owner is in default of this agreement or to the effect of normal corrosion, erosion or wear and tear or against damage or deficiencies caused by the faulty operations or maintenance of the Owner or any other contractors hired by the owner.
Warranty for Plant Material is limited to one (1) year and one-time replacement and is subject to the following. The warranty does not apply if any damage is due to the failure to properly maintain, water or protect planting material by the Owner. If salt or calcium chloride is used by the Owner on walkways at the premises, in the area of those walkways or driveway any dead plant material will not be covered.
Owner will be responsible for maintaining a proper watering schedule for any new Lawn installations. Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. does not warranty Sod after its installation. A heavy watering will be done by our crew prior to leaving in order to get the Owner started.
Prior to the commencement of the work the Owner will provide Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. with information regarding the location of property lines and private utilities. Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. will be responsible for contacting all local public utilities prior to starting any construction.
Unless otherwise specified, all building materials provided shall be new. Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. shall have total control of the Work and shall be solely responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures. Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations and building and fire codes which relate to the Work including applicable Health and Safety legislation. Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. will also be responsible for and shall restore at its expense all damage to the property of the Owner caused by the Contractor in the performance of the Work. It is the Owners sole responsibility to obtain all necessary work permits with proper documentation required for the work to be performed.
Impact Landscape Contractors shall submit to the Owner, prior to its commencement, a schedule for the performance of the work. Although Impact Landscape Construction Inc. will try to avoid any and all unnecessary delays with respect to the installation of the project, the Owner hereby acknowledges that Impact Landscape Construction Inc. is not responsible for situations beyond our control, these include adverse weather, availability or late delivery of materials, strikes or delays by other subcontractors hired by the Owner working on the same project.
Impact Landscape Construction Inc. is not responsible for any and all unforeseen costs that may occur during the landscape construction process. This will include such items as the subsurface utilities, buried tree trunks, boulders, old foundations, hidden items such as concrete pools, concrete driveways, wells, septic tanks and vandalism.
A payment schedule will be discussed and agreed to when a contract for the work is approved. Any deviation from that payment plan can result in Impact Landscape Contractors stopping the work until payments are up to date.
Any Electrical work, 120V Exterior GFI, Plugs, Switches, etc. will require and electrical inspection from ESA (Electrical Safety Authority). A minimum fee of $325.00 will be applied.
Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. carries public liability and property damage insurance in the amount of $5,000,000 and all employees are insured through the Workers Compensation Insurance Board. Our sub trades used in various areas of a project are also insured.
Any changes in the original scope of work must be approved by the Owner in writing. The price for a change in the work must also be agreed to in writing. Payment for change(s) to the work will be made separately. Any decisions by the Owner on the changes to the scope of the work must be done within 24-36 hrs as to not delay Impact Landscape Construction Inc. from completing the original work.
Owner agrees to allow Impact Landscape Construction Inc. to photograph the project before, during and after construction has been completed for the purpose of documentation as well as promotion. As well, the Owner agrees that Impact Landscape Contractors Inc. may erect a sign at the premises identifying the contractor during construction and for a period of 3 weeks following completion of the work.